Advertise products and earn money online



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Advertiser quality control

We monitor advertisers to make sure they fulfill their obligations to publishers by processing orders on time and confirming them unless there's a good reason for not doing it.

Always on-time payments

Don't wait until the advertiser pays their invoice to withdraw your funds! Instant Pay helps you move funds from "Awaiting advertiser payment" to "Ready for withdrawal" so you can use them again to earn even more.

How affiliate marketing works

Advertisers are companies that want to attract customers to their sites. Help them do so by recommending their goods and services and sharing promo codes or links to their sites. If the advertisement is successful and someone makes a purchase using your link, the advertiser will pay you a commission on the sale.

How affiliate marketing works

You choose publishers with suitable traffic and give them special affiliate links. They advertise your products and services and lead customers to you through those links. If a customer makes an order, you pay the publisher a commission. Only completed orders are taken into account: if the customer doesn’t buy a product or returns it, you pay nothing.

Who can benefit from this

Anyone can earn money with Admattic. If you meet our acceptance standards, you will be onboarded instantly

We work with businesses of various sizes in the following verticals:

Who can benefit from this

Anyone can earn money with Admattic. If you meet our acceptance standards, you will be onboarded instantly

We work with businesses of various sizes in the following verticals: